07 February 2008

Jennie at 4 months, Yea!

I have had the exact experience with my first 3 kids. At their 6 month appointment, Dr. VanDenBerghe asks "is he/she sitting up yet?" and I reply, "I keep trying, but not yet." He then props them up and they sit up perfectly for the rest of our time with him. So I've come to expect this milestone at the 6 month doctor visit and not a minute sooner.

Jennie at 4 months, responds to all people, (and her bottle) with great eye-contact and a HUGE smile. She babbles, ooohs, aaahs and some people swear that she has said "hi" and "mama". She is scooting, rolling over and in need of some serious bumper pads; not at all trustworthy on a bed or couch anymore. The incredible drum-roller for me has been that she is sitting up! It's been sad to watch my baby grow so quickly when all I want for her is to remain my tiny little baby. I'm happy for her though, she wants to be like her big siblings, and she is on her way.

So I mentioned bottle familiarity, and the story goes like this. Mama is sad, baby is sad, mama feels guilty for imprinting motherly sadness on baby and toddler. Mama is smart, and remembers what makes mama happy. Mama puts plan of happiness into action. Nursing is over, baby loves bottle, mama starts shedding unwanted baby/nursing pounds, baby stops waking 6 times a night, mama is happy, baby is happy, mama feels like she is imprinting happy healthy habits for toddler and baby.

It's been quite a roller coaster of hormones, happinesses, sadnesses, milestones and surprises, but we've made it to the 4 month mark, and I believe we're doing well now. Yea for babies, yea for healthy bodies, yea for families, yea for a supportive husband. Yea all around.


Shellie said...

The trials of motherhood . . . You are a saint and a trooper. Here's to sleep-filled nights and tons of happiness!

Jenny M said...

I think the key to a happy home is a happy Mother.

If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

And I am SOO happy for you and your family :)

Elise said...

I need to come and see you so I can give you a huge hug. You are such a great mom, Sherrie, and your struggles don't go unnoticed. Your kids are so lucky to be in such a loving home.

I'm so glad things are looking brighter-- and thank you so much for your kind words to me. LOVE YOU!!!

The Karrens said...

Sherrie, no worries about the bottle! It sounds as if it is working like a charm! You are such a great mother and I love reading your blog... I can't believe these little babies are growing so quickly, and that little Jenny is sitting up! They are so stinkin' cute that they're almost worth all the work!! :)