25 April 2008

Last institute class

Doug and I have taken an institute class every semester since living here on campus. We've been privileged to have our Bishop Ayers who is semi-retired teach us. It's been personal, insightful, and a guaranteed way to feel not only the Holy Ghost, but (because mostly ward members attend), also the spirit of friendship and brotherhood in the middle of the week.

One reason it has worked out so nicely for us is that it is within walking distance of our home, and another reason is that we have been able to bring our children. Each of the parents have taken turns in the adjacent room watching each other kids so that we could attend. Plus there are always treats.

Bishop and his wife are being released sometime this summer, (his is a 3 year calling) and will not continue teaching this class. This last Wednesday was our last class, and I'll miss it a ton. He's hoping to arrange for another teacher to come in and teach at the same location under the same kid friendliness arrangement, but we're not sure that'll come to pass, and it might not be the same anyway.

Thank you Bishop and Sister Ayers. We love you.

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