03 January 2008

Jennie is 3 months old

I finally have pictures to post of my little sweet pea. She is 3 months old now, and has reached all of the milestones expected of her. Out of the newborn stage for sure, she is always cooing, very alert, and no longer has her knees pulled up to her chin. She especially loves her mobile animals, I swear they have full blown conversations, super fun.


Elise said...

Oh my, I just want to squeeze her! She is so beautiful with those brown eyes-- WOW! Sherrie, you really do have gorgeous kids, but you knew that!

***LIZ*** said...

She is so pretty! I love that you put bows in her hair. Not that she could be mistaken for a boy, but I royally stuck my foot in my mouth last Sunday when I told a new Mom how handsome her little boy was, opps, it was a little girl. In my defense she was wearing pants to church though, and not a stich of pink of purple what am I a mind reader?