02 January 2008


I've had Twilight on my "book I'm currently reading" spot forever, and the truth is that it took me that long to read it... not really though. I started it seven times or so, not really prioritizing my personal reading time since Jennie's birth. Then I really started it New Years Day, and finished it today with Dr. Smith (my dentist) still in my mouth. All of his assistants had read it, so they understood how I could pour through it during their drilling, spraying and sucking. Fun read, light, and my first vampire book ever. I'll probably read them all.


Scottie and Tasha said...

I'm so glad you liked it!!! I've read the series 4 times now (blame it on the no sleep that comes with being very pregnant!) If you need to borrow the others- let me know!

Liz and Dave said...

I love this book. I am currently on the second one right now. Love these Books.I am glad you like them too.

Elise said...

I read all three novels in a matter of a month, so I know exactly what you mean about not being able to put them down. And I don't even like teenage/vampire novels! But so fun! I love that you took the book to the dentist-- it's actually a very smart idea that I may just try at my next appointment!