15 May 2010

Palace Beautiful by Sarah DeFord Williams

My friend Sarah has written her whole life. She shared one of her first copy-shop copied books with me a few years back, and I knew she'd make it to a real publisher one day. Well that one day was last month, and I just got my own copy and finished it today.

Palace Beautiful starts with 13 year old Sadie who describes life in color, ("honey black" and "September orange"). Her little sister Zuzu, is the cute prissy one, always throwing a tantrum because, "life isn't FAIR!" They move from Texas to SLC with their Father and Stepmom. While exploring their new/old home they find a journal in the attic written by another 13 year old, generations back. The sisters and their new neighbor friend read the entries ceremoniously and learn about how much can be the same in a different time and a different family.

Sarah develops her characters perfectly and describes life vividly. She's a wonderful storyteller, and I'm so proud to call her my friend. Congratulations Sarah, 5 stars from me!

To my other friends, go buy this book! You'll be happy you did!


Sarah said...

Wow! Thanks, Sherrie! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! I'm happy I could share it with you!


Elena said...

How fun is that?! Congrats to your friend. What an accomplishment. Maybe we'll have to do it for book club!

Amber said...

long time no blogging (on my part) but oh my goodness!!! your house is darling!!! I bet you are loving it!! and your girls have since grown up!! what little dolls!! how is real life? it looks like you are doing wonderful!! tell sophie thanks for the words!! that was sure a sweet comment you left!! made us all smile!!