22 September 2007

Trying to be patient

The countdown is on! I have made progress at each of my appointments. 2 weeks ago I was dilated to a 1, no effacement. Last week my Midwife Julie called me a tight 2 with 80% effacement. On Tuesday, I'll have her strip my membranes, and then we'll see. I'm feeling finished but not hopeless. The sciatica, wacky sacral alignment, edema, and other pregnancy related woes are almost over and I'll soon be holding her in my arms. I've been romancing over the quiet hospital moments when I get to be alone with her, stroking her hair, inspecting her tiny body, watching her grimace and sleep smile. I am so ready for a new baby.

It would be absolutely perfect to have her anytime next weekend. Doug is super stressed at work, his professors and the people at the nuclear center have little empathy for our situation. They all placed bets on her arrival time being early, and since they've all lost now, they are done caring. I won't be starting any of the home inducement techniques till Friday just for Doug. I have a hospital induction scheduled for Tuesday the 2nd, but I've never made it to my induction date. Yvonne just confirmed that she'll be here from the 1st to the 7th, Andy and family will indeed be here for Conference, and my Papa will be here from the 5th to the 19th. I am so blessed with a supportive family.

For now, I just need to relax and mother the children that live outside my womb. Dalton, likes it when I call him my first baby, he smiles and kisses my belly. Joseph loves it when I call him my easiest baby, he reminds me that he'll wash his hands and hold our new one the best. Sophia... well I just hope she appreciates my new lap, and is soft with her little sister. She loves to see my exposed belly and show me hers while we touch bellybuttons. I think they'll be great big siblings.


Heather said...

Sherrie, I agree with everything you said. I sure fire way to start labor, pump your breasts. When I worked for several OBGYN's they said that this is the only way and in fact tell their patients to NOT
pump unless they are ready. Pumping releases oxytocin, aka pitocin, both vital in making you dilate. So when you are ready, find the pump. Did Chad get married? Is his life stable? I have always wondered about him. keep us posted on the new arrival. Name yet?

Sarah said...

That is so sweet! Good luck!!!! Your family is already so cute, I can't wait to see your newest addition!!!

Love, Sarah

The Karrens said...

We are so excited for you guys... there is nothing in the world like having a tiny little new born in your home. They are heaven. Let us know when she comes! We are so excited!!!

Elise said...

So exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of your new little one-- she is lucky to be joining such a great family!

hope said...

How fun! Good luck. Black and blue Cohosh, Raspberry Tea and Cajun spices are wonderful as well!! I was 2 days from my induction date with Skylah and we went out for Cajun food and then took a long walk at the store. I went into labor there at the store and she came the next evening. Of course, I am sure you know of your own wonderful methods! Hopefully that beautiful baby will show us her loving eyes soon.

Brad said...

Hello!!!! I can empathize with being patient. My countdown is less than 3 weeks now, can you believe it? Oh, I am sorry about the sciatic and other problems that are ailing you. I also know that you know that it's all for the greater good and you always handle things in stride. You are an amazing person (wife, mother, friend, etc.)! I will be thinking of you as I go through my last few weeks, but hopefully yours is only days away!

Love and thoughts,