20 September 2007


Okay, I'm the one that started this first one. We wanted to head to AZ for Thanksgiving once I noticed that the boys have Wednesday-Monday off of school. We've thought things over a bit and decided that we will not be heading down. Doug has an overloaded schedule that promises to become more so once our little one is keeping him up at night too. Travelling 12 hours each way with 4 kids, rushing all over the state to satisfy family requests, and trying to adjust to a new baby schedule all sounds too daunting for the both of us. Sorry.

I understand that Randy & family will be in SLC for Thanksgiving, and we're excited to see them for a bit during that time. Reason enough to stay put. Since this last trip the kids took to AZ, Sophia has been saying "I want Aunt Katie", and "Uncle Randy's funny."

Now, did Doug overhear a conversation that involved Andy & family coming up here for General Conference? If he heard right, you'll be staying in Midway, but I'd love to fit into your schedule somewhere. I'm hoping that the newest member of the family is draw enough to at least see you for an afternoon. Papa will be here, and we could beg him to make a lovely dinner for all of us.

Chad? Are you and Shelley heading this way as well? Again just a rumor, but if you could afford the gas, we'll feed you and put you up on our lovely air mattress.

I'm only 10 days from being due, and I'm beyond excited to see this little beauty with my own eyes. I think she's a gymnast, but for the possible recessive auburn hair, cocoa skin and hazel eyes the suspense is killing me. I also want to see what my body is made of. I want to experience the whole process and enjoy knowing that this is, (most likely) my last opportunity to feel the hormones rush through my body and take over to help it perform it's animal function. The excitement of it all is keeping me up at night, to which I must respond with a nap this afternoon. Happy dreams. Hope I get to show off my little one to anyone willing to make the trip.

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