04 October 2008

Jennie is ONE!

Today, this very day a year ago, I was so happy to see my Jennie out of my belly (seriously!), healthy and perfect for the very first time.

Today, she walks (just yesterday she took an absolutely confident stride to her daddy), talks (ut-oh is her favorite word), has strong opinions (about anything she thinks is hers, especially anything I would call garbage), plays simple games (peek-a-boo and The Gravity Game top the list), loves her siblings, is crazy about her daddy, doesn't care if her face is covered in spaghetti sauce or boogers, eats dirt, is curious about all things poisonous/dangerous/lethal, climbs up slides and onto pillow piles, and is currently babbling to herself contentedly here in my cloffice (thank you Jeni and Ike) trying to put on my shoes over her footie jammies. I did NOT love being pregnant, but I sure do love her. Jennie is just delightful.

Oh, and for Jennie's grand deluge of gifts, we offer... her new forward facing car-seat!

She'll also recieve a cupcake, and some balloons. Isn't it great to be one.

Today we have lots of Conference to watch, Sally (my sister in law) and kids to pick up, but for sure the highlight will be sharing cupcakes with anyone who wants to stop by after the afternoon session of Conference.

p.s. After I develop the film, I'll post real time pictures. My camera is in the Kodak hospital. I miss it so badly.


Trish said...

Happy Birthday, Jennie! Your family is so blessed to have you!!

Anonymous said...

Yay Jennie! Happy Birthday Sweetheart and happy first steps! We love you and hope you had a spectacular day!

hope said...

Happy Birthday Jennie!!

Amateur Steph said...

What a sweet picture! I love forward facing car seats! Happy Bday Jennie!

Scottie and Tasha said...

Wow, that year went by quick! I remember when we were both pregnant and you were telling me how are little girls were only going to be 3 months apart.

Sarajane said...

Oh My! Jennie is so grown up, and REALLY cute. Fun pictures. Happy Birthday to both girls!