16 July 2008

Play Memory with me

Okay, I am stealing this from a friend's blog, but I think it will be fun. Here's how it works:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one or more memories that you and I had together, or just some memory of me. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot. Anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. :) If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments or send you an email. (You know, you non-bloggers can still post comments. Just click "comments" below this post...)

Okay, it's that simple. I hope everyone will play! I'm a little disappointed that some of the people I share the most outrageous memories with are missing in my life now... but I know a lot of you remember some fun, silly, or touching moments. Go on, give 'em up! Refresh my memory!


Artsy Aut said...

I remember going to Zeekes with you and Jacob and Kristen. Kristen and I both got the cinnamon roll and so you wouldnt get it too even though that is really what you wanted! I feel bad about that now. I should have just gotten the wagon wheel and let you have the roll, sorry.

Liz and Dave said...

From the time I met you, you have been the greatest friend. You are a great friend to our family.

Amateur Steph said...

Perhaps this is lame, but I remember at one writer's group meeting, you wrote about laundry-- I still remember that you said you loved laundry--It was so funny.
I also remember your little (was it white) house in SL, and having a fun writing group there (wasn't that when Jenny announced she was pregnant with Carter?)

hope said...

Kool Aid Party! And one of thee coolest YCLs at YW camp!! YOu are awesome.

Sherm said you got the word on Mom. Wish we could have seen you on our stop through Utah. It was good having Trish here though.

Trish said...


I might have to start my own Sherrie Memory Blog. Okay, here goes:

1. The time we snuck out for the night and drove to PHX for a concert and on the way home the breaks went out in Beast. I remember Cara was there at the concert, but I don't think she was in Beast?! I remember that we thought we were such rebels for folding our shirts up into our bras and walking around with our lovely tummies showing on the way to the car.

2. Painting your ceiling fan blades.

3. Looking for prom dresses in antique stores and you finding the ABSOLUTE PERFECT ONE! :o)

4. Picking up abandoned furniture and somehow managing to fit it into your crowded room.

5. Going to Janae's when she was having a garage sale and that she had the most ENORMOUS bras for sale. I mean, dinner-plate cups. I don't know who in her house had those...

6. Crying to you about my romance life.

7. Shaking flag poles on courthouse square until the worms came out of the ground.

8. Denny's.

9. Buying a whole pie at Denny's for like $4 when it was $2 a slice and eating it in the weather lobby of the bank at midnight.

10. I think while with you on several occasions I peed my pants from laughing so hard.

And I have a feeling if we were together right now... we'd be laughing like little girls who had never been seperated by a decade and motherhood. :o) Love you, Sherrie!

Jenny M said...

Oh, I wish I knew you when we were girls! That sounds so fun! I can laugh like that, too :)

So my first memory of you is when I met you the first time. We were talking about town homes versus the apartments. The conversation went to my family and number of children. When I told you about Evan, may I say your compassion cup runneth o'er. You cried with me about Evan's loss. You have an amazing talent of compassion for others and a great desire to help in any way that you can. Your friends are blessed to know you, as am I.

Heather said...

Sherrie, I honestly can't remeber not knowing you. You have always been there. My memories lie mostly with you and my brothers and some are good and some are not so good as was the time of youth. But you have always been an inspiration to me and watching you with your beautiful family is amazing. I just love you.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, where to start? Like WishTrish, I have so many memories of you - how can I not? We've been friends for more than 12 years - can you believe it?!

I'll just list a few from when we lived together:

1. Pool hopping with Chad when he came to town and all that turned into.

2. Road tripping to Vegas, running out of gas, listening to Neal tell the story that doesn't end and get all big-brotherly with us.

3. Winking you to death!

I love you!

***LIZ*** said...

Oh Sherrie, I have all kinds of memories of you. Mostly of idolizing you and your amazing hair. I have three memories for you....
1. Lake Mead 1992? The laurels went to Lake mead and I got to tag along because my mum was the advisor... I know lame, but I worshiped all you sunburned gals, and I remember you tweezing your perfect eyebrows. You told me you tweezed them every single day, I wanted to tweeze my eyebrows every single day.
2. Memory two, I don't know when it was but you came back from New York and you had gotten the most amazing hair cut I had ever seen. They cut it perfectly to frame you face, and I wanted to go to NY and have the same person cut my hair to make me look as amazing as you.
3. The best night ever, oh and morning too, Amy and I came over and played Mexitrain dominos all night and gossiped and laughed and laughed, and had such a fun sleep over. We were so sad to lose Zeus, but really there is not another person we would have been happy for him to end up with.
Sherrie, you are awesome!!

Trish said...

Okay. So you took my Play Memory game, but didn't post on mine... I see how you are!! No, I know how you are: BUSY. But when you have time...


Matt and Jessica said...

So I'm a little slow, but I remember going to the Korean restaurant with you, Jeanette and Eun chae. I think it was you first outing without Sophia, but I could be wrong about that part. You talked about trying to sell your hair and settling for donating. I thought it was so fascinating that you could only sell hair that had never been washed! I love your hair short, by the way.

Teresa said...


Yes, I'm finally doing this - even though you left something on my blog awhile ago.
You mentioned our girls deciding to be the pooping duo - can't believe it was TWICE in a row! Stinkers! (Literally!)
Along the same lines - remember not long ago when all 3 of the girls had their clothes off enjoying the summer weather? I was reminded again that you are an emergency preparedness (i know, not really a word) queen. You had the items you needed in your van and just decided to leave with a naked daughter - no returning up the stairs for clothes - just getting in the van before the rest of the family wanted to get out.
There are more - but, I'll leave it at that. Glad you're our neighbor.