Sophia and I first painted 3 canvases-one pink, one dark pink, and this one green. Then I taped on a random flower. Sorry, we paint half nude. I love how cleanable skin is. Super cute I think. When we have all 3 canvases finished, we'll post again.
Super cute idea! I have been trying to come up with something to do with my daughters walls. I think I might copy you and have them make their own art to decorate their rooms. Might be a fun summer project. Where did you get the canvases from? And what kind of paint did you use?
$5 canvases from Big Lots, and cheap acrylic paint. I'm really not an artist, and I'm not picky about supplies, obviously. Fun was the #1 goal of this project, and we both had some:)
MOM! The tooth fairy forgot again! nudge, nudge (note: the tooth fairy didn't forget, she just never has cash:) January 2010
Joseph's Quotes
One of Joe's new friends taught him to twist the stem off an apple while saying the ABC's and the letter you land on will determine where you are going on a mission. He just landed on "P" and declared "I'm going to Pennsylvania just like Dad"
Mom in one stall, Jennie in another, an empty stall and Sophia in the handicapped one. Someone enters the restroom and into the stall between the girls. Jennie says, "Why did that man come into the girls bathroom?" Sophia says, "It's not a man, it's a girl. She is wearing flip flops and her toes are painted." July 2010
On her cell phone, "Good bye" then to me she says, "That was my sister Kendra. She died. She ate to much candy for lunch and for the day and for dinner and for snack." May 2010
"I know Heavenly Father loves me cause he sent me all of these lovely dandelions to enjoy." May 2010
"Flour is white, and it's not a flower and you don't eat it until it is baked." April 2010
"Sure! Why not?" has almost entirely replaced the simple yes. March 2010
Do you want me to get gloves for the snow, or for exfoliating? January 2010
Don't worry mom, I'll only get a small amount of cereal, and then if I'm still hungry, I'll get more. January 2010
Jennie's Quotes
"Misty just attackled me!" October 2010
(in a whisper) "There was a bad goat in my room and it made me eat vegetables and I smacked it and it licked me, and he was just a nice goat." September 2010
"I want my mommy back, I want my mommy back, I want my mommy back" to the tune of that Lenka song, "The Show". August 2010
You are being irritate to me! July 2010
In the bathtub, she just said, "I spewed the water out of my mouth into the air and it landed in the water." Maybe not funny, but she just used the word spewed in perfect context. June 2010
Looking at the cover of Braveheart, "Why is the dad sad about war?" I still have no idea what she knows about war May 2010
"When I grow up to be a baby, I'll get into your belly." April 2010
"My hands are not red." I think she's been caught "red handed" one too many times.
...up above the world so high, like a diamond in my pocket... February 2010
With a strip of silly putty above her lip says, "This is my moustache!" I then ask her where she learned the word moustache, and she exclaims, "I have a good vocabulary." February 2010
With her new "cell phone" she always says, "Dangit, my phone is ringing!" January 2010
The Grinch cut off the chickens head and the chicken ran all around and the Grinch lives by our church, and the Grinch is all big. (There is a large inflatable Grinch across the street from our new church, clearly she's obsessed.) December 2009
Gasp! Wow! I love it!!
Super cute idea! I have been trying to come up with something to do with my daughters walls. I think I might copy you and have them make their own art to decorate their rooms. Might be a fun summer project. Where did you get the canvases from? And what kind of paint did you use?
$5 canvases from Big Lots, and cheap acrylic paint. I'm really not an artist, and I'm not picky about supplies, obviously. Fun was the #1 goal of this project, and we both had some:)
You are so creative and fun. I am scared of ever opening paint with my children. Cute cute. I might have to use this idea.
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