02 January 2010

Happily pack up the townhouse

Boxes, boxes everywhere!

I told some of you, but I'll say it again, having packers and movers is like getting an epidural... we still went through the experience, but it was PAINLESS!

Our new home!

There's room for everything! Notice how small our new table looks in the dining area, yeah, the dining is that big.

I love my new kitchen!

Doug bought 3 new snowshovels, and the boys went to work with a nice new neighbor.

Brownies make it a real home.


Scottie and Tasha said...

Your house is AMAZING!!! Congrats!

hope said...

I can tell you are just so excited!! Congrats, Sherrie!!! It is a beautiful home!!!!

Rachel said...

That's awesome! I know you'll love Idaho :) Plus, I LOVE the idea of a mint in each brownie!! Now I will have to get the perfect brownie maker :)

Jenny M said...

That house has light. I love the spaciousness :) Beautiful, just gorgeous. I also like the candid shot of your kitchen in use by Sophia :)
Jace missed Dalton a lot today. He was the only nine year old in class. The rest were 6-8 year olds. Oh, we do miss the Crawfords!

Lindsay said...

Congratulations Sherrie! your house looks beautiful. And I love the analogy of movers being like an epidural. next time I move I'll have to try it! :)
Happy New Year in a new house!

Anonymous said...

Hooray Hooray, a thousand times hooray!! Welcome to Idaho. I will be down soon to see it with my very own eyes. :)

Also, I have something to send you, please email me your new address.

The Karrens said...

Holy Cow! We are so dang excited for you guys! A new house, no more school?... sounds like a great start. We are so happy for you, and we really should try to get together one of these days!

Liz and Dave said...

Your house looks so nice! I am thrilled you are enjoying every moment in it.

Jude, Namea, Kuu said...

Hey Crawfords. Found your blog. The house looks awesome. Tell Sophia we miss her in church and let Doug know I'm not working out anymore and it's all his fault. Anyways, good luck in Idaho. We'll keep in touch.

Trish said...

Oh, that's wonderful! And Brownies do make it a real home.

I'm ready to start a new life. Job, job, where are you?!! Miss you!

Sarah said...

NICE! I'm so happy for you all!
