14 November 2007

Sugar, Stories & Sentiment

So, once the boys came home from school, Papa would take all 3 kids to the snack shop and get them a "goodie". Dalton, Joseph, and Sophia were on a sugar high the entire time Papa was here. Then the regular routine resumed, homework, laundry, reading, laundry, dinner, clean-up, bedtime routine, and lights out. It was in the dim light of the lava lamp that they really got the best of Grandpa, he would sit in the boys room and tell stories for at least a half hour, and on a couple of occasions, over an hour. I have no idea what the stories were about, but I do know what they communicated. My Papa loves me, and he shows it with his time for me and my family. My kids will never remember the actual stories, but they'll also never forget story time with my Papa.

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