16 June 2010

We're Off!

To Salt Lake for a day to visit Lew and do Salt Lake specific chores ie: shop, repair bosch, early morning walk with my old walking buddies...

To Lake Powell for a week of memory making with the Nelsons and a Fathers Day extravaganza.

To St. George to visit our long lost Klingonsmiths!

To the airport to say goodbye to Doug, he has to go back to work.

Just me and the kiddos to Arizona to spend an unspecified amount of time with family. My grandma Martha will be at my parents house and I can't wait to see her! She has yet to meet Jennie, can you imagine life without meeting my Jennie?

And then back home. Doug is my home. I'm already missing him.


Scottie and Tasha said...

Sounds like fun, if you have any extra time in AZ let me know I'd love to meet up with you! Email me at scottandtasha at gmail dot com!

Chalen said...

I'm glad to hear that I am not the only one to take the kiddos and go while hubby works. We leave for Utah on Saturday and Nate flies home Monday for another two weeks of work before joining us for the holiday weekend. Most people look at me like we're crazy for doing this. I'll miss him and so will the kids, but I want them to spend some time with family if we're making the drive and there's no way for Nate to take that much time off.

Anonymous said...

I like that Doug is your home. :) I hope you have amazing adventures and blog all about it!

Jenny M said...

Sounds so fun! Wish I could be with you guys on that early morning walk. Ah, I'll just sleep in instead :)

Miss you!

Arizona Dunbars said...

What a fun adventure. That is so hard missing your husband though. I am such a baby about being away from Matt. Good luck and enjoy your time with your family. They sure miss you.