21 February 2008

Presidents Day Weekend

We enjoyed our whirlwind of a weekend in Lake Havasu with ALL of my Nelson siblings, and ALL of their children (Mark the younger isn't pictured, but he was there).

Thank you Mama for enjoying Farkle with my kids and for the firework sustinance. Thank you Papa for packing a whole kitchen and appreciating my bread.

Thank you Andy and Sally for listening, really listening. Thank you Drew for helping me with Sophia, and you better believe Joe will hold you to your promise. Thank you Ben for continuing to bond with Joe and serenading my aching head with some acoustic guitar. Thank you Daniel for beating me at SpeedStacks and letting me in on a little bit of your life with quadruplets (it's time to double date with your friend Austin, whomever you take out, you'll have a blast with). Thank you Samuel for engineering the domino trail with Dalt. Thank you Hannah for including all of your cousins in your play, and leaving no one out.

Thank you Mark for the wonderful cinnamon rolls and a real hug. Thank you Yvonne for talking under the bridge and handeling, my inability to handle things, with grace. Thank you Kellen for showing me how a person can love a guitar as much as his wife, and daughters. Thank you Yolanda for allowing me to snuggle Cambria. Thank you Arianna for playing with Sophia so nicely. Thank you Cambria for being so "sweet". Thank you Jeff for your laugh and SpeedStacks. Thank you Mark for being subltly aware of everything, and willing to pitch in when needed. Thank you Austin for your "bock, bock". Thank you Quintin for working for your valentine M&M's. Thank you Abraham for playing like a brother with both my boys.

Thank you Randy for sharing your air pump and managing the photos. Thank you Katie for always being so attentive to whomever you're with, especially me and my babies. Thank you Megan for shining like you always do and being so real. Thank you Spencer for burping away from my face.

Thank you Brad for the awesome egg burritos and for actually understanding what Doug is talking about. Thank you Lenora for being the steady calm in our family. Thank you Trevor for showing your obvious new maturity and setting a great example for my boys. Thank you Taylor for your speedy hands and your ability to mingle with everyone. Thank you Abby for your beautiful hair, it means more to me than I can express, I also love your smile. Thank you Emily for all of the new clothes for Sophia, and for holding Jennie so nicely.

Thank you Chad for hosting, planning, working, and still having the energy to enjoy all of us. Thank you Shelley for hosting, planning, working and still having the energy to share with me, also for forcing your parents out of their perfect house, and for setting us up so nicely the last night; we really did get a good nights sleep just before the drive. Thank you Shelley's parents for allowing us to stay in your home and also for letting me wash my undies each day.

Thank you Preston (oh, Zane right?) and Diana for coming to us to visit, and for the fabulous cookies, and for sharing your little Zoe with us.

Oh, and thank the pyros in the world for inventing and displaying the most amazing fireworks show I've ever seen or even heard of. This show alone made it worth the 10 hour drive each way. I love my family.


Liz and Dave said...

How cute are your Kids? They looked pooped.. Sounds like you guys enjoyed your time.. I do have to say your kid are very cute!

Anonymous said...

Your mom said the Havasu weekend was just like being in heaven. She was thrilled that everyone was able to be there. She loves you all so much. Beautiful kids. Sweet new baby. Count your blessings. I love you. Patty B.

Heather said...

Sherrie, I loved seeing pictures of all your family. Collin used to play Hannah everyday when we lived with my parents right next door to them. I loved talking to her mom, which her name has totally left me but what a great time for all.

Anonymous said...

I love your gratitude journal entry! I think you're covered for a whole month in this one. :)
It sounds like your family had lots of fun. What a sweet picture of your kids sleeping in the van!

Anonymous said...

Thank YOU Sherrie for being the "icing on the cake" in the Nelson Family. I admire your energy and attention to the special little moments in life. You are an amazing woman and a great example to us and our family.
We love you and your precious kids--Dougs even pretty cool too!
I love you

***LIZ*** said...

SO much fun! I can't get over all the Nelsons in their splendor! You have an awesome family!