26 February 2008

Growing up

This is all happening too fast. Jennie is already sitting up well enough to use her high chair (the one baby item that actually lasted through all 4 kids). She has been acting like life just isn't fair while staring at my plate, watching the fork come up from the plate, and then into my mouth, for about a month now. After one particularly whiney family dinner at the table we decided to bring the high chair up from storage, and my little Jennie is so happy. She doesn't really like rice cereal yet, (or maybe never since the other 3 never did), but she loves holding a spoon, and sitting level with all of us. I'm sure she'll catch onto the eating thing in true Crawford form in no time at all. My baby is growing up.


Liz and Dave said...

What a Cutie she is.. Time does go by so quickly.. She is so cute!

Scottie and Tasha said...

How exciting... now I'm really coming over :) ha ha ha. Thanks for posting on my blog- I haven't seen you forever it seems like. Jennie is sooooo cute!!! I can't wait until she and Brookelle can play!

Anonymous said...

Wow! She IS growing up fast. I love her little red cheeks.

***LIZ*** said...

Wow, that was fast! She is getting so big. Michael never liked rice ceral either, but he loved the single grain oatmeal, he ate it every night before bed until he was one.

Elise said...

Oh my goodness, she is so beautiful! I can't believe she is so big... amazing!