Abraham, Abby, Katie, Me, Dalton, Taylor and not pictured Randy ran on the 4th weekend down in Prescott. We had fun, enjoyed each others company, and started another healthy tradition.
I didn't tell Abraham and Dalton about the race till the day before, and Abe was so cute. He "trained" by running around my Papa's driveway 12 times and was even nervous that night as he went to bed. He came in first from our family and wore his number for 2 full days.
Here's my favorite part, the brother run down... Andy (the oldest and fittest) placed in the 10K. Randy ran the 2 mile fun run with us, but somehow was behind us and then in front of us and then again behind till we realized he was taking short cuts every time he could see the trail ahead of him...all in the name of a good photo of course. And then there was Brad, eating a dilly bar at the finish line. Classic brothers.
Behind the scenes were my Papa, Lenora, Sally, Ben, Marielle, and the babies all working the set-up, after race eats, goodie bags, and take down of the whole race. I love working with my family.