08 September 2008

Boot Plea

Dalton plowed through 5 pair of shoes this summer.

My rule is that you can't wear new school shoes till school starts, so, the 3 days before 3rd grade, his only option was two different colored, left, flips, from Old Navy. I wasn't about to budge.

Soph's issue is that she hates them, so she kicks shoes off every chance she gets, and there are 2 darling pair of shoes toddlers size 8 somewhere in Yellowstone, finders keepers I guess.

Experience has taught me that the only thing my boys will wear without soggy socked complaint during the winter is super nice snow boots. For the past several winters I've been able to get them some seriously nice snow boots from DI, but this year, there is nothing in their size, and I suspect it's because my kids are not the only ones that are hard on their shoes.

So what brand of snow boots do you buy? Where do you get them? Do you know of any deals? I'm willing to pay decent money if they'll last through a beating, and keep my kids socks dry till April. Actually I'd like a pair for myself, so give it up, share your secrets, let me know.


Kathy said...

Go to LandsEnd.com and click on the link to their Overstock department. They have GREAT deals on boots, although not always the best colors. I got Timothy some there 2 winters ago (they are bright orange) and they hardly looked worn by the end of the season. I'm hoping to put Kassie in them this winter, but they may turn out to be too big for her. Good luck!

hope said...

Sorry, girl. Living in Northern Alabama I don't have much of a need anymore. If we travel, my kids just have to put up with soggy socks!

Liz and Dave said...

I think they have really good stuff on zappos.com

It is free shipping and also if they don't fit you can send them back for free too.

***LIZ*** said...

2 left flip flops, you didn't really make him wear them did you? My sectret is living in AZ, but I guess that doesn't help you. Good luck with your search!

Sherrie said...

I totally made him wear the two mis-matched left-footed flips, I'm pretty mean sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Kids shoes? I'm no help - sorry.

Adult shoes? Simple, Keen, and North Face

zappos.com is cool - free shipping both ways (previously recommended, I add 5 stars)

REI outlet might have deals - free shipping if you have your order sent to your local store (you have to pick it up)

good luck!

Elise said...

Totally seconding the Lands End comment-- even their stuff on the regular site isn't priced too badly. And, as an added (and in my opionion, crucial) bonus, most of their shoes have anti-microbial soles, which means anti-smelly feet. I bought some for myself last year and I love them!

Chalen said...

Wefoundsome good deals at Cabelas on snow boots last year for Ethan. They had a ton of brands to choose from. I have never been disapointed with any shoes we have got there-even Nate's pricy ones. Some fo my favorite brands are timberland, sorrel, columbias, and Kamik Kids. I love my columbias, but the kids not as much. Sorrels are pricey but so worth the money. We have hand me downs from my younger brother that still look great. I also love Kamik kids, butI don't know how big there sizes go. We got the Kamik kids at Dick's for a good price-even in the fall. Usually I try to buy boots in the spring when they are clearing them out. I have found some great boots for cheaper than DI prices.