16 June 2008

Raging Waters

We got a Raging Waters season pass (it was $100 off the regular price if you bought it in the middle of winter). I went with the kids all by my limpy legged self last week, and didn't manage any photos. This weekend, Doug had time, so we all went, and had a blast! One of the best parts of a season pass is that we can head home before we're all beyond exhaustion, so we leave happy, even if I have to bribe my kids into the van.

I like your sunglasses.

I like your tongue.

I like my daddy.

Sophia spun and twirled all day in the belly button deep water.

Joe mastered the Dinosaur Island slides.

I didn't get any pics of Dalt on the big slides, but he loved 'em! He had fun on the kiddie slides too.


Liz and Dave said...

Got to love season passes to places. You have a place you can get away for a while and not be there all day for the money. We have a zoo pass. We like that too.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a great time! How's your body?

Scottie and Tasha said...

How is it that I've lived in Utah my whole life and never been to raging waters??? looks like a blast!

Sherrie said...

My body? Well it feels okay, and then it feels rotten. I was jealous of a 60+ year old man riding a bike today. How is it that he has more functional knees than me. It's my fault really, I'm supposed to rest, but that's just not my style. I still do the ice and ibuprophin, and eventually I'll be fine.

Trish said...

Oh, Sherrie, I'm sorry your body is malfunctioning. Mine, too. Surprised? :P It looks like ou had a ownderful time at the water park! My kids have been begging me to go to Big Surf... Maybe after scout camp is over...

P.S. You're right! I do smirk at the blogger words. (I knew it was more than the hair!) :)